Event Information
JEE Clean Up Shimei-Dori
(first Saturday every month)
After cleaning let's talk about our impressions with a cup of tea.
Mar. 3rd (Sat) 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Apr. 7th (Sat) 10:00‐11:00 a.m.
Meet at the SW corner of Karasuma and Shimei-dori
Info: 090 1676 0383 (Hosoki)
JEE Earth Day Hike 2018
Destination: Mt. Daigo (450m; about 3.5km to top)
Date: Sunday April 22, (9:00 –16:00. approx.)
Meeting-point: On platform, subway Karasuma-Oike, Tozai Line bound for Rokujizo, near front of train
Meeting time: 9:00
Transportation cost: Subway Karasuma-Oike to Daigoji Station & return: 640 yen
Mountain access fee: 600 yen
Bring lunch, drinks
Cancelled in the case of heavy rain; if light rain we will not cancel.
Contacts: Ken (090 6679 7129), Yuri (090 9988 4857)
Additional option: World Heritage temple garden "Samboin" is open until 16:30 (Admission, 600 yen)