Event Information
J.E.E. Earth Day Hike
Date: April 28th (Sun) Rain-out
Place to go : Sagano to Kiyotaki
Course : Kitano Hakubai-cho station -> Sagano station by Randen ->
Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple -> Toriimoto -> Ochiaibashi -> Kiyotaki
Meeting place : at Kitano Hakubai-cho station (the terminal station of Randen Kitano line)
Meeting time : at 10:00am
Disbanding place & time : leave Kiyotaki at around 4:00pm, take Kyoto Bus to get back to inside the city
Fee : 500yen (as a contribution for JEE activities)
Transportation fare for Randen and Kyoto Bus : around 450yen
Things to bring: lunch in your own case/box, water bottle, plastic bag (to clean up) and work gloves
Contact: 090-1676-0383 (Kyoko Hosoki)
JEE Clean Up Shimei-Dori
Apr.6.(Sat.) 10:00- 11:00am
May.4.(Sat) 10:00- 11:00am
will not do in January (first Saturday every month)
Meet at the SW corner of Karasuma and Shimei-dori info. 090-1676-0383