Event Information
East Japan Earthquake Charity Concert
March 27 (Sun) 17:00-19:00
1000 yen (Reservation: 070-5500-1011)
Uzura Music will hold a charity concert for medical support for the refugees . Hiroe ABE & Yukki (folk singer), Yuko YAMADA (renaissance musician), Tsuyoshi IKEDA and Kojiro HIGASHISAKA (Indian traditional music players), Daido Geinin Pierock (street musician), Norihiro SASAYAMA (folk singer living in America) and some artists will perform without performance fees. We will send all the proceeds and donation to the international medical NGO "AMDA".
AMDA: http://www.amdainternational.com/english/index.php
UZURA GALLERY http://sound.jp/uzura/gallery_.html
Sanjo Teramachi Nishiiru, Kyoto
JEE Clean Up Shimei-Dori
March 5 (Sat.) 10:00- 11:00am
April 2 (Sat.) 10:00- 11:00am
Meet at the SW corner of Karasuma and Shimei-dori (in front of Shakai Hoken –KYOTO-Byoin) WELCOME!
info. 090-1676-0383
Let's celebrate Earth Day!
Date: April 24th(Sat.)canceled only in case of heavy rain.
We will go Kitayama in Kyoto (Momoi-toge -> Amagatake -> Kurama)
Meeting time & place: 9:40 at Keihan Demachiyanagi Station
Transportation: 1000yen, Donation: 500yen for JEE's activities support
Please bring water bottle, lunch and plastic bag for clean up
Contact: 090-1676-0383 (Kyoko)
Eco Neko-za
May 5 (Holiday) 1:00pm-
at Miyako Ecology Center 075-641-0911
Come enjoy the Eco Neko puppet show!
Mongolia – Japan 3R Public Event"
- JICA Project for Strengthening the Capacity for Solid Waste Management in Ulaanbaatar City Mongolia -
JICA & EPWMD have implemented the waste separation and recycling pilot project in UB city since 2010. In order to enhance the public awareness and participation in the pilot project, we invite famous environmental cartoonist "High Moon" to Mongolia. Let's think about our environment and waste issues!
Date: From April 29 (Fri) to May 1 (Sun), 2011
Venue: Mongolia-Japan Center for Human Resource Development
Organizers: EPWMD of Municipality of Ulaanbaatar
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Japan Environmental Exchange (J.E.E)
1) Exhibition of Original "High Moon" Cartoon and Eco Goods, Make Your Own Painting on "Eco Bag!": April 29 – May 1, 10:00 – 17:00
2) Opening Ceremony & Presentation of Prof. Takatsuki: April 30, 13:00 - 15:00
3) Opening Ceremony & Work Shop "Let's Paint and Reduce Waste!" for Students under the Guidance of Prof. Takatsuki: May 1, 13:00 - 15:00
4) Challenge for 3R Knowledge: April 30, 15:00 - 16:00
5) Japanese Tea Ceremony: April 30, 15:00~16:00, May 1, 15:00 - 16:00
Introduction of "High Moon"
"High Moon" is a pen-name of Dr. Hiroshi Takatsuki, professor of Ishikawa Prefectural University and professor emeritus of Kyoto University and the director of the Miyako Ecology Center in Kyoto. He has been drawing environmental cartoons since his early childhood for over sixty years.