Event Information
HighMoon's "CARTOON GOMIC" Exhibition & Worlkshop in Tokyo
Jan11(Tue)-23 (Sun)
10:00-20:00 closed Mon
JICA GLOBAL PLAZA (Hiroo Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
<admission free>
There are English captions !
You can enjoy 60 cartoons books & eco-goods by environmental cartoonist, High Moon.
MANGA Workshop All the seats are booked.
Jan.22 (Sat)14:00-15:30
We will hold a workshop of drawing for children and adult, "Let's reduce waste!" Please reserve by Jan.15 to J.E.E. (Fax:075-417-3417, info@jeeeco.org)

JEE 2010 General Meeting
Date & time: February 6(Sun)1:30-4:00 p.m.
Place: JEE office in Kyoto(from Subway Kitaoji Station No.3, walk 5min. to the south. phone 090-1676-0383)
Program: activity report, financial report 2010
"Permaculture -- Life toward Sustainability" by Ms. Chisa Uetsuki
*We will have dinner at "Obanzai" 5-7pm. walk 5min. from Subway Karasuma Oike Station exit 2. 2100yen
We are looking forward to your visit to the meeting and the party.
Please bring your friends to the party.
JEE Clean Up Shimei-dori
Jan.15(Sat) 10:00-11:00am
Feb.5 (Sat) 10:00-11:00am
Meet at the SW corner of Karasuma Shimei (in front of Shakai Hoken Kyoto Hospital)
Please join us! info. 090-1676-0383
Ms.Tomiko Takatsuki, Ms.Fumiko Nishikawa
Ms.Toshiko Izumi, Mr. Yasushi Oonishi