2011 JEE Eco-Calendar Green Folktales -Revisited
Our calendar is different from others, due to its environmental message. This year, among noteworthy dates, we added "Nelson Mandela International Day" (on July 18th, his birthday), in recognition of his long struggle to end racism and to promote peace and freedom. The theme of this year's calendar is J.E.E.-style adaptations of Japanese or world folktales that incorporate aspects of biodiversity. Blue sea, green land; so very many species of living things. As human beings we are part of this living world, but some of our actions destroy habitat and displace other species, sometimes resulting in their extinction. Each locality on Earth has its own teaching stories, full of kindness, that describe good relations between humans and other living things. Once again, we need to renew our connections with the natural world. That is why we focused on these twelve stories. The images on this calendar were made by our wonderful friend, J.E.E. member High Moon. For the last 20 years he has supported J.E.E. in this way - we really appreciate his commitment, and thank him from the bottom of our hearts!!! This calendar is bilingual. Please make use of it for language learning. The phases of the moon are shown with these symbols: XXXX. Please take time to look at the stars.