Event Information
JEE Office Meeting
March 11, 25 (wed) 3-4pm
at JEE Main office
Welcome !
Environmental MANGA Exhibition by High Moon
April4 (Sat.) 5(Sun) noon 6 pm (admission free)
UZURA Gallery (Sanjo Teramachi Nishiiru, Kyoto)
Phone 070-5500-1011

We'll show you;
- Environmental Manga for Eco Calendar 2009 by Mr. High Moon
- Book on glocal workers "1000 Peace Women Across the Globe"
- Fair trade goods; Indian embroidery chopstick case
- Picture story show "Eco Neko's MY BAG" (from 1 pm & 3
You can get free eco postcards. Come on and join us!
Japan Environmental Exchange(J.E.E.)
more info. 090-1676-0383