Japan Environmental Exchange

"2010 J.E.E. Eco-Calendar"
“For Our Planet's Future・Monthly remembers of things that matter"

Calender imageThis is J.E.E.'s 19th Eco-calendar. This year's theme is "For Our Planet's Future ? Monthly reminders of things that matter."

Unlike ordinary calendars, we usually include dates of important environmental events, but this year we selected more of these significant dates to remind everyone every month how essential it is to change our lifestyle. Especially we need to turn our eyes beyond Japan. We added World Refugee Day, May 20th, because global warming is already causing flooding on low-lying islands and accelerating desertification, resulting in increasing numbers of "environmental refugees."

The illustrations for this calendar are original works created especially by one of the founding members of J.E.E., our good friend “High Moon." This year he has used a beautiful traditional Japanese calico ("wa-sarasa") as background decoration style. We hope you enjoy them!

This calendar is bilingual. We hope that it is a useful aid in language learning.

The phases of the moon are shown with these symbols: Moon symbols. Please take time to look at the stars.

Global warming is increasing due to CO2. Let's try to reduce our output of CO2 in daily life by changing our lifestyle.

Postcard imageArtwork: Dr. Hiroshi Takatsuki (the environmental cartoonist "High Moon"), a member of the Japan Manga Association, and professor at Ishikawa Prefectural University's Institute of Bio-resources Engineering and professor emeritus of Kyoto University.

Production: Members of Japan Environmental Exchange (J.E.E): High Moon, Maura Hurley, Ken Rodgers & Yuri Egashira, Hikaru Furutaka & Amanda Gillis-Furutaka, Kayoko Yoshimura, Hiromi Yamagami, Nobuki Takabayashi, Emi Hirayama, Noriko Takemura, Mayumi Takata and Kyoko Hosoki.
