Japan Environmental Exchange

Event Report

Report 1 "General Meeting"

With only 13 people, attendance at the 2006 General Meeting was a bit low. Nevertheless, we were able to complete all matters without incident.
Presently, we print 300 copies of the newsletter and mail them to about seventy members, citizen's groups, and administrative contacts. Due to the high cost, however, we have decided to e-mail future newsletters to interested persons. If you are interested in receiving the newsletter, please contact J.E.E. at info@jeeeco.org Please let us know if you have any suggestions for activities or events. We are planning to do some great activities this year and hope you will join us!

Report 2 "1000 Peace Women Exhibition"

Kyoto-This exhibit, held at the Miyako Ecology Center, proved to be quite popular. We are so grateful for all the volunteers who so passionately assisted in putting on this exhibition. At the opening event, about fifty participants listened to the poetry and words of Kumiko Yokoi and touched a real land mine, brought in by Fusako Yanase.
For the conclusion, the participants gave their impressions of the exhibition and hopes for peace during a friendly chat over tea. As there appeared to be much interest in having another event like this, we are planning to hold another gathering this summer in conjunction with the publishing of the "1000 Peace Women Across the Globe" book in Japanese.

Report 3 Ishikawa International Exchange Salon-"High Moon Pictures and Ceramics Exhibition"

Kanazawa City- The International Exchange Salon used an old, traditional-style mansion, and, reconfiguring the storehouse, setup a gallery to display the work of High Moon. This gallery, along with the tokonoma of the tatami room, were decorated with twenty-six drawings (from the J.E.E .Eco-Calendar) and thirty pieces of ceramics. The works suited the house nicely, and it turned out to be a stunning exhibition. Everyone from foreign exchange students to businessmen came to see the exhibition, participating in a rewarding cultural intercourse. We also formed a connection with a Kanazawa citizen's group.
We would love for High Moon to do more activities in Kanazawa!

(Translator: Jordan Walerstein)
