Japan Environmental Exchange

Event Information

Office Meeting

April 5, 19 (Thu) 3:00-4:00pm
at JEE Office (Kyoto)
If you need recipe for “Bye bye cockroach Cookies" , it's Free.
Please join us !

J.E.E. Clean Up Our Greenbelt

April 15 (Sun) 10:00~11:30
Meet at the SW corner of Karasuma And Shimei-dori (in front of Shakai-Hoken
-KYOTOByoin) info.Kyoko 090-1676-0838


Let‘s celebrate Earth Day!
April. 21st (Sat.) KIBUNE (Kyoto Sakyo-ku)
Just a little rain, We will go ahead.
Meeting time & place: 10:00 at Keihan Demachiyanagi station
Our noble leader, Takatsuki-sensei will take us again on another wonderful hike.
Natural Campfire rice-, like when we were kids! -Everyone can enjoy learning here to start a fire
by friction with two simple sticks and a string. We will have a big pot with rice.
Please bring one cup of uncooked rice and your own dish & chopsticks.
*500yen donation to support JEE's activities. Call for more info.: Michi 090-8537-8145

"EARTHWORM compost" worksop

June 12th (Tue.) 6-7pm, at JEE
Lecture: Chisa Uetsuki
Kitchen waste changes to compost by
Earthworm action. If you want participate
in the workshop, please make application
to JEE, Kyoko(075-417-3417) 500yen fee

Eco Neko-za

April 22(Sun) (1)13:30 -(2)15:00-
at Miyako Ecology Center
(Kyoto 075-641-0911)
Come enjoy the Eco-Neko puppet show!
