Japan Environmental Exchange

DOLL HOUSE - Philippine Support Group

Michiyo Fujimoto

DOLL HOUSE started as an individual volunteer activity in the
late 1980's with the aim of finding a market for handmade goods produced by NGOs in the Philippines.

Please take time to look at these cute dolls, toys and beautiful cards. The handmade cloth dolls and educational toys are made in Tala, Kalookan City. The workshops were set up to provide employment for people living in extreme poverty with no other opportunities. Our workers receive a fair wage and a bonus twice a year. In addition they receive assistance for the educational needs of their children from kindergarten through to college and have been provided with interest-free loans to upgrade their housing. Money generated through the sale of DOLL HOUSE goods is also used to benefit the local community by digging wells, funding employment opportunities for discharged Hansen's disease patients, training day care workers for children who would otherwise be left to fend for themselves while their parents are out working and for local leadership training courses.

The dried flower cards are made by three women who learned their skills as children. They are now able to earn their living and support their families through the sale of these very attractive cards. The embroidered cards and baby goods are one of a number of cottage industries in Carmona, Cavite.

Apart from sending money directly to the Philippines, we also send used sewing machines, portable typewriters, new and used clothes, towels, sheets, school supplies, and toiletries. Musical instruments suitable for small children are especially welcome, tambourines, castanets, flutes, etc.

DOLL HOUSE is always in need of help. If you are interested in selling our goods please contact us at http://www17.ocn.ne.jp/~dolhouse/
